

1、 出国留学生如果一个人想要去国外学习,那末他/她可能会选择留学英文作文作为一项重要的技能。

2、 英语母语者对以英语为主要语言的人来讲,留学英文作文是一项必备的技能。

3、 学术研究者在学术研究中,写作是一种非常重要的能力,因此,需要掌握留学英文作文的人常常都是学者或研究人员。

4、 商业人士在全球化的商业环境中,英语已成为一种通用的语言。因此,商务人士也需要掌握留学英文作文这项技能。

5. 在线者在线者需要能够编写出清晰、易懂的教学材料,因此,留学英文作文对他们来讲是一项重要的技能。










出国留学已成为一种潮流,请你就此问题谈一谈自己的观点,简要论述留学的利与弊。词数为100左右。 Going Abroad Nowadays study abroad is very popular. Even some primary school students, whose families are well off, are studying abroad, let alone university students and postgraduates. Studying abroad can widen one's view and help learn about the cultures of foreign countries. Of course, it's a good way to learn foreign languages. But study abroad is not suitable for everyone because of the high cost, fees. If a student's family can't support him , he has to struggle in a foreign country just for a living not for his studies. I think he needn't go abroad. He can study well in China. So study abroad is one way but not the only way to one's education and success. 出国 如今,出国留学已成为一种潮流,甚至一些家庭条件比较富裕的小学生也出国留学,更不用说大学生和一些研究生了。出国留学能开阔一个人的视野,帮助了解外国的文化。 当然,对学习外语更有好处。但是,由于高昂的花费和学费,并不是人人都适合出国留学。如果一个学生的家庭付不起这些钱的话,他必须在国外努力工作来换取学费,这样却耽误了学业,我认为他就不必要硬要出国了,他完全可以在国内学得很好的。 因此,对于一个人的与成功来说, 出国留学是一种出路,但并不是惟一的出路。

I am graduating from high school this summer. I realize that I am at the best stage of my life to increase my knowledge by systematic study, to learn usefull skills for a solid career. I am full of energy and motivation. I am ready for a busy but satisfying college life.

In my high schools years, I have learned that the United States is a country that has the most advanced technology. The education system there encourages origination and creativity. The freedom people enjoy in the U.S. cultivates a culture that is generating millions of new ideas. Being educated in the U.S. will definitely change my life.

The globalization process is making the earth smaller and smaller. There will be more and more interconnection between different countries, culturelly and economically. Going to college in the U.S. will help me understand a different culture.

I will work hard and take every bit of benefit from the opportunity of studying in the United States. I understand there will be difficulties that I have to face. English language is hard for me. There will be culture shock, homesick. However, I feel I am fully charged and ready to face the challenge.


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