"Overseas student" is the English term for someone who studies in a foreign country, typically a developed or developed country other than their own. Many international students choose to study abroad to gain new experiences and broaden their horizons, as well as to improve their language skills and career prospects.


The number of overseas students has been increasing steadily over the years, with many countries offering scholarships and other incentives to attract international students to their universities. Some popular destinations for international students include the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Germany.

For many overseas students, studying abroad can be an enriching experience that offers unique opportunities for personal growth and cultural exchange. However, it also comes with challenges such as homesickness, culture shock, and navigating unfamiliar academic systems. Nonetheless, many overseas students find that the benefits of studying abroad far outweigh any difficulties they may encounter.

Overall, overseas students play a crucial role in promoting global understanding and fostering cultural diversity on a global scale.



foreign student

international student

over-seas students

overseas students

studying abroad


As anoverseas student,Ihave beenlooking forwardtoworkinginAustralianenterprisesin order tolearnhowtheAustralianworkingsystemandmanagementgoes.


AmbassadorLiualsoanswered questionsoncross Straitrelations,returnandemploymentofChineseoverseas students,economicdevelopmentandenvironmentalprotectioninChina.


TheforeignstudentsstudyinginBeijingcome fromallpartsofthe world.


Tsinghuaandthe Chinesegovernmentgivemanyscholarshipsinan attempttoboost thequantityandqualityofforeign students;butagain,moneycanonlygosofar.


Thiswouldinvolvethe countrynot onlyteachingmorecoursesin Englishbutalsoprovidingbetterservicesto theinternationalstudents.


The use ofthe word"overstaying"clearlygavethe impressionthatthesestudentshadremainedinthe UKillegallywhilethe articleitselfmadenosuchaccusation.


ThisweekinourForeignStudentSeries,welook atalcoholpoliciesatAmericancollegesanduniversities.


Foreveryfourstudentswholeftinthe pastdecade,onlyonereturned,Chinesegovernmentstatisticsshow.


Theeffectofoverseasstudentson theUSscientific communityiscrucial.


EvenamongChinesestudentsoverseas, theguystended to dateonlyamong thepooloftheircompatriots,whilemostof thegirlspickeduplocalboyfriends.


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