留学生学费的英文翻译是 "tuition fees for international students"。这个词组通常指外国学生在本国学习期间需要支付的费用,包括学费、住宿费、生活费等。



1、 International students: 指来自不同国家的学生,他们来本国学习。

2、 Tuition fee: 学费是指学生在学术机构接受时需要支付的费用。

3、 Housing fee: 住宿费是指学生在学习期间需要支付的生活费用,如租金或押金。

4、 Living expenses: 生活费是指学生在学习期间需要支付的所有其他费用,如食品、交通、医疗保健等。

5. Scholarships and grants: 奖学金和补助金是指提供给优秀学生的经济支援,以帮助他们支付学费和生活费。

6、 Financial aid: 财政支援是指政府或其他组织提供的财务支持,以帮助学生支付学费和生活费。

7、 Student loans: 学生贷款是指政府或其他组织提供的贷款,让学生可以分期付款来支付学费和生活费。

8、 Return on investment (ROI): 投资回报率是指投资在上的收益,通常是指取得的工资高于投入的学费和时间本钱的程度。

9、 Study abroad programs: 海外学习计划是指学生选择去其他国家进行学术研究或进修的学习机会。

10、 Exchange program: 交换项目是指两个学校之间的合作,其中一个学校的学生去另外一个学校进行学习,同时另外一个学校的同学也会来这个学校进行学习。


Study abroad foreign exchange loan is the Bank of China issued to the borrower, used for solving the education of people go abroad for master or above degree required tuition and living expenses of the foreign exchange loan. Credit limit : no more than the total costs ( tuition fee and normal living expenses ) 80%, single amount of the principle of no more than 40000 dollars. The term of the loan : generally one to six year lending rate: according to the Bank of China the same grade loan rates. The period within a year ( including one year ), according to the contract interest rate, met the statutory rate adjustment, the contract interest rate unchanged; the term is over one year, if the interest rate adjustment, according to the Bank of China interest rate adjustment on the provisions for the adjustment of interest rate. Loan conditions: ( a ) at least 18 years of age, with full civil capacity of natural person; ( two) a local resident accounts or valid residency, fixed and detailed address; ( three) providing overseas school official admission notice or receive a letter, learning period required tuition proof material; ( four) may provide our Bank approved collateral, pledge, guarantee guarantee or purchase performance guarantee insurance; ( five) to less than 20% of the funds raised by oneself;

Translation 1

University education plays an important role in a person’s career since it offers people more opportunities.


With the rising of university's tuition, hot discussions have arisen about who should pay the university's tuition.


Some say students should pay fees by themselves as they pay for their own life.


Some think that tuition fees should be paid by their parents because that amount of money is beyond students' ability.


As far as I am concerned, I think parents should pay part of the fees while university students bear the rest part.


It is true that trying to make money will affect university students' studies.


But doing part-time jobs will help them gain working experience, learn more of society as well as realize the importance of saving money.


Most importantly, it helps to lighten financial burdens of parents.


Translation 2

My View on Oral English Test.


As we know,high school students have an oral English test before the College Entrance Examination,which has existed for many years.


But some people don't think it's a must for students to take such a test.


Chinese students usually don't use oral English when they graduate from college,so it's on good having the test.


(注be on good doing 这个用法我可是从来都没有见到过,网上所搜的也就只有这一篇被四处copy的范文在使用,我想应该可以改成there is no need to have the test 比较好)

But many other people don't agree with the idea.


They hold a view that students should have oral English test which can force them to pay more attention to it.


With the increasing of international communications, we Chinese have to talk with foreigners and cooperate with them,and oral English is essential for that.


As far as I am concerned, I am favor of the second view.


Oral English is necessary part of English learning, it mustn't be ignored by us.



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